Sunday, November 18, 2007

Squirrelmungous on sport

Squirrelmungous loves sport, unless it's stupid pointless sports like golf, horse racing and other noncey stuff that he can't think of right now, but reserves the right to strop about as and when he remembers.

Anyhoo, he loves proper sports, like football. Right now he's jolly pleased that those funny little Isrealis (perhaps not so funny if you're a Palestinian suffering in Gaza or the West Bank, but hey ho) completely took everyone by surprise and beat Russia, allowing England another opportunity to fluke qulification to Euro 2008.

He was somewhat torn between wanting England not to qualify, thereby allowing for a full spleen-vent about the utter incompetence of Steve "fucking fucktard" McClaren, and really hoping they'd still get through so the summer of '08 has some meaning. Now that it looks like they have a chance, he's really looking forward to the game against Croatia.

Although Squirrelmungous is the one true God and the creator of all things... including Croatia, he still wants England to win. Of course.

Squirrelmungous says; "C'mon England!"

He also says; "If that bunch of overpaid fucking ponces fuck up yet again, it'll be lasers up the fucking wazoo for the lot of 'em."

He also says that football would be even more exciting if the teams looked like this...

So that's football taken care of. He's also a big fan of motor racing, as are all squirrels of course. They love watching those dashing young men pushing their technologically extreme vehicles to the absolute limit lap after lap. The modern day jousting in cars that push the envelope in the fields of aerodynamics, combustion, chassis and suspension design, ultra-lightweight materials, fuel and tyre technology. The multitude of racing circuits; from the tradition of Monaco, Spa and Monza to the latest track designs in China and Dubai. The glamour and excitement as the F1 circus rolls around the world pausing for a weekend at the most exotic locations (and Silverstone). The stars, the pit girls, the pundits and the fans.

Plus, they fucking love it when there's a big crash. That's the best bit. Like finding a whole stash of hazelnuts that you'd completely forgotten you'd buried and tucking in with a big fucking smile on your face.

Here's another gratuitous pic of the sort of football Squirrelmungous wants to see more of...